Recent Publications

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Lyew T, Kazan J, Patel K, Croswell E, Lopaczynski A, Neagoe I, Minhaj S, Stahl ST. Incorporating technology in research with older bereaved adults: Lessons learned from conducting an internet-based randomized controlled trial. Internet Interv. 2023; In press.

Kazan J, Lyew T, Croswell E, Buysse DJ, Gebara MA, Karp JF, Krafty RT, Rashied AA, Reynolds CF, Rollman BL, Smagula SF, & Stahl ST. A digital health intervention to stabilize the 24-hour rhythm of sleep, meals, and physical activity for reducing depression among older bereaved spouses: Protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2023; 124

Stahl ST, Smagula SF, Dew MA, Albert SM, Schulz RA, Reynolds, CF. Digital monitoring of sleep, meals, and physical activity for reducing depression in older spousally-bereaved adults: A pilot randomized controlled trial. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2020; 28(10): 1102-1106.

Stahl ST, Neagoe I, Smagula SF, Posluszny DM, Bovbjerg DH. Cancer bereavement and depression symptoms in older spouses: The modifying role of the circadian rest-activity rhythm. Clin Gerontol. 2021; In press.

Smagula SF, Hall MM, Stahl ST. Rest-activity rhythms and depression symptoms in older bereaved adults. Int Psychogeriatr. 2019; 31: 1675-1676.

Stahl ST, Schulz R. Feeling relieved after the death of a family member with dementia: Associations with post-bereavement adjustment. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2019; 27: 408-416.

Stahl ST, Schulz R. Restorative activities among bereaved caregivers of nursing home patients. Geriatr Nurs. 2018; 39, 414-418. 

Stahl ST, Emanuel J, Albert SM, Dew MA, Schulz R, Robbins-Welty G, Reynolds III CF. Design and rationale of a technology-based healthy lifestyle intervention in older adults grieving the loss of a spouseContemp Clin Trials Comm. 2017; 8: 99-105.

Robbins-Welty G, Stahl ST, Zhang, J, Anderson SJ, Schenker Y, Shear MK, Simon NM, Zisook S, Skritskaya N, Mauro C, Lebowitz BD, Reynolds III CF. Medical comorbidity in complicated grief: Results from the HEAL Collaborative Trial. J Psychiatr Res. 2018; 96: 94-99. 

Stahl ST, Arnold A, Chen J, Anderson S, Schulz R. Mortality following bereavement: The role of cardiovascular disease and depression. Psychosom Med. 2016; 78(6): 697-703. 

Stahl ST, Schulz R. Changes in routine health behaviors following late-life bereavement: A systematic review. J Behav Med. 2014; 37: 736-755.

Stahl ST, Schulz R. The effect of widowhood on husbands’ and wives’ physical activity: The Cardiovascular Health StudyJ Behav Med. 2014; 37: 806-817.

Stahl ST, Albert SM, Dew MA, Reynolds CF. Coaching in healthy dietary practices in at-risk older adults:  A case of indicated depression prevention. Am J Psychiatry. 2014; 171: 499-505.

Thandi Lyew, Joseph Kazan, Khusbu Patel, Emilee Croswell, Sejuty Minhaj, Adrianna Lopaczynski, Ioana Neagoe, Sarah T. Stahl. Incorporating Technology in research with older bereaved adults: Lessons learned from conducting an internet-based randomized controlled trial. Internet Interventions. 2023.